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Clean Water

Seaside Rotary Clean Water Projects

Clean water is a fundamental necessity for human health and development, yet millions of people around the world still lack reliable access to this basic resource. For this reason, Clean Water and Sanitation is one of Rotary’s 7 Areas of Focus

In this region of Mexico, the tap water is not drinkable. While the city water is treated and safe to wash and bathe with, it is not considered safe for drinking. Everyone in Playa del Carmen drinks bottled water. Most of us have gaffafons (20-liter jugs) delivered regularly to our homes. We use this for drinking water and cooking. Some people have invested in their own household reverse osmosis purification systems to reduce their dependence on bottled water.

But not everyone is so fortunate. 

A critical issue facing many children and families is access and affordability of safe drinking water. As Playa del Carmen grows, its most vulnerable residents are pushed to its margins…areas with no city water, no sewage or septic systems and no water delivery. These areas are also not serviced by the large distribution trucks that deliver garaffones for Epura, Cristal or Bonafont.

Families living in marginalized communities or settlements are tasked with traveling some distance to exchange their empty water jugs for full or paying a considerable markup to small private providers who can access the more remote communities. This places yet another unfair obstacle in the way of people who are already struggling.

Without access to clean water, children are at risk of contracting waterborne diseases, which can lead to serious health issues and disrupt their education. A child at home sick from drinking contaminated water means extra money is needed for medical attention and treatment. If a parent needs to stay home to care for the child, this means going without work and essential income. 

Seaside Rotary Addresses the Clean Water Crisis

In Playa del Carmen, Seaside Rotary is doing its part to help support this Rotary initiative by installing water purification systems in marginalized communities within our area of service, Solidaridad.

In Playa del Carmen, where many families live in areas without reliable access to clean water, the impact of Seaside Rotary’s efforts is profound. These projects not only improve the health of children but also reduce the burden on families who otherwise might have to rely on expensive bottled water or risk using unsafe water sources.

By collaborating with school administrators and small local businesses, Seaside Rotary has been able to more effectively identify specific needs and implement sustainable solutions that have a lasting impact on vulnerable communities.

Our water purification modules have been installed in schools where access can be monitored and the equipment is kept in a secure area. This reduces the risk of theft or vandalism and ensures that people are keeping an eye on the systems daily. Any system failures or maintenance issues are managed by local businesses that support Seaside Rotary’s efforts to help local communities.

By involving the residents and local business owners in these projects, Seaside Rotary fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility, ensuring that the systems are maintained and continue to function effectively.

In Playa del Carmen, this approach has proven successful, with numerous schools now equipped with the necessary infrastructure to provide clean water to students and their families. With invaluable support from partner Rotary Clubs such as the Rotary Club of Cambridge Preston-Hespeler in Canada, we have been able to install water purification systems in two schools in Cristo Rey and one in Torres de la Paz.

How Can You Help?

If you are a Rotarian and your club is looking for an International Project to support, the Rotary Club of Playa del Carmen Seaside would like to partner with you! Please consider presenting this Clean Water Project to your club’s Board of Directors or Project Committee. We will be happy to provide you with the specifications for the water purification systems that are appropriate for our needs and the current costs.

With your help, we can make a significant and lasting difference in the lives of those in Playa del Carmen, demonstrating the power of Rotary’s global mission to create positive change in the world. For more information, contact us via email at

These Clean Water Projects are just one example of Seaside Rotary’s dedication to improving the quality of life for families in Playa del Carmen. These projects not only address immediate health concerns but also contribute to long-term community development. When children are healthy and well-nourished, they are better able to focus on their education, opening up opportunities for a brighter future.